Ark: Survival Evolved (2017) Game Icons Banners


Ark: Survival Evolved (2017) Game Icons Banners

Ark: Survival Evolved, the critically acclaimed survival game released in 2017, has captivated millions of players with its immersive prehistoric world and challenging gameplay. While the game’s expansive environments and diverse creature roster often take center stage, the role of its icons and banners in shaping the player experience is equally significant.

These visual elements serve as more than mere decorative flourishes; they are integral components of Ark’s user interface, storytelling, and overall aesthetic appeal. From representing rare items and fearsome dinosaurs to showcasing the unique themes of various expansions, Ark’s icons and banners have evolved alongside the game, becoming recognizable symbols within the gaming community and essential tools for player navigation and engagement.

The Significance of Game Icons and Banners in Ark: Survival Evolved

Ark: Survival Evolved, the popular survival game released in 2017, has captured the imagination of millions of players worldwide. One often overlooked aspect of this immersive experience is the role of game icons and banners.

These visual elements serve as crucial components in enhancing player engagement, facilitating navigation, and reinforcing the game’s unique identity.

The Evolution of Ark’s Iconography

The Evolution of Ark's Iconography

Since its initial release, Ark: Survival Evolved has undergone significant changes and expansions. With each update, the game’s visual language has evolved, reflected in its icons and banners. This evolution mirrors the growth of the game itself, from a simple survival simulator to a complex, multi-faceted gaming experience.

Early Days: Simplicity and Functionality

In the early stages of Ark’s development, icons and banners were primarily designed for functionality. They served as basic visual cues to help players navigate the game’s interface and identify key elements quickly. The initial designs were straightforward, often utilizing silhouettes or simple outlines to represent various in-game objects, creatures, and actions.

Expanding Horizons: Increasing Complexity

As Ark expanded its scope with new creatures, items, and gameplay mechanics, the iconography naturally became more complex. Developers had to create distinct visual representations for an ever-growing list of elements while maintaining consistency and clarity.


This period saw the introduction of more detailed icons, with greater emphasis on color coding and unique shapes to differentiate between various categories of items and actions.

Current Era: Balancing Detail and Readability

The current iteration of Ark’s icons and banners represents a careful balance between detail and readability. Modern icons feature intricate designs that capture the essence of the game’s prehistoric and futuristic elements while remaining easily recognizable at a glance. Banners, particularly those representing different expansions or game modes, have evolved into rich, evocative images that set the tone for each unique gaming experience.

Design Insights: Crafting Ark’s Visual Symbols

Design Insights: Crafting Ark's Visual Symbols

The creation of Ark’s icons and banners is a meticulous process that involves various design considerations. Understanding these insights can help appreciate the thought and creativity behind the game’s visual elements.

Thematic Consistency

One of the primary challenges in designing icons and banners for Ark is maintaining thematic consistency across diverse elements. From prehistoric creatures to futuristic technology, each icon must feel like it belongs in the same universe. Designers achieve this through consistent use of art styles, color palettes, and overall aesthetic choices.

Clarity in Complexity

Given the vast array of items, creatures, and actions in Ark, ensuring that each icon is distinct and easily identifiable is crucial. Designers employ various techniques to achieve this:

  • Unique silhouettes for different categories of items
  • Consistent use of color coding for rarity or type
  • Subtle background elements to provide context
  • Strategic use of highlights and shadows for depth

Scalability and Versatility

Icons in Ark need to be recognizable at various sizes, from small inventory slots to larger UI elements. This requires a design approach that emphasizes clear, bold shapes that retain their identity even when scaled down. Additionally, icons must work well in different contexts, such as inventory screens, crafting menus, and in-world markers.

Cultural and Historical References

Many of Ark’s icons draw inspiration from real-world cultural and historical symbols, particularly those associated with prehistoric civilizations. This adds depth to the game’s visual language and helps players connect with the game world on a subconscious level.

Iconic Banners: Representing Ark’s Expansions

Iconic Banners: Representing Ark's Expansions

As Ark: Survival Evolved has grown, it has introduced several expansions, each with its own unique theme and setting. The banners representing these expansions play a crucial role in setting player expectations and creating a distinct visual identity for each new adventure.

Scorched Earth: Desert Survival

The banner for the Scorched Earth expansion features warm, earthy tones dominated by sandy yellows and deep oranges. Central to the design is often a scorching sun or a iconic desert landscape, immediately conveying the harsh, arid environment players will face.

Aberration: Alien Underworld

Aberration’s banner stands out with its eerie, bioluminescent color palette. Glowing blues and purples dominate, often showcasing strange, alien-like flora and fauna. This instantly communicates the otherworldly, subterranean nature of this expansion.

Extinction: Post-Apocalyptic Cityscape

The Extinction banner typically features a stark contrast between futuristic, metallic structures and organic, prehistoric elements. Grays and cool blues often dominate, with highlights of vibrant colors representing the clash between technology and nature.

Genesis: Simulated Worlds

Genesis, being a collection of diverse simulated environments, often has a banner that showcases this variety. It might feature a collage-like design, with segments representing different biomes, tied together with digital or holographic elements to emphasize the simulated nature of these worlds.

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Player Interaction with Icons and Banners

The way players interact with and perceive Ark’s icons and banners is a crucial aspect of the game’s user experience. These visual elements serve multiple purposes beyond mere aesthetics.

Navigation and Efficiency

Well-designed icons allow players to quickly identify items, creatures, and actions without relying solely on text. This is particularly important in high-pressure situations where quick decision-making is crucial. Players often develop a visual memory for frequently used icons, allowing for more efficient gameplay.

Learning and Discovery

For new players, icons and banners serve as visual cues that aid in learning the game’s mechanics. The design of an icon can often hint at an item’s use or a creature’s behavior, helping players intuitively understand new elements as they encounter them.

Community and Culture

Ark’s iconic visuals have become a part of the game’s community culture. Players often use these images in fan art, memes, and discussions, further cementing their importance beyond the game itself. Some icons, particularly those representing popular or powerful creatures, have achieved a legendary status within the community.

Customization and Personal Expression

In multiplayer settings, banners and certain customizable elements allow players to express their identity or allegiance. Tribes often rally under specific banners, creating a sense of unity and belonging among players.

The Role of Icons in Ark’s UI Design

The Role of Icons in Ark's UI Design

The user interface (UI) in Ark: Survival Evolved is a complex system that manages a vast amount of information. Icons play a pivotal role in making this interface intuitive and manageable.

Inventory Management

In the inventory screen, icons serve as visual shorthand for the multitude of items players can collect. The design of these icons often hints at the item’s use or origin, helping players quickly sort through their possessions.

Crafting and Building

The crafting menu relies heavily on icons to represent both ingredients and final products. Well-designed icons in this context can help players understand crafting recipes at a glance, streamlining the building and creation process.

Status Effects and Buffs

Icons representing various status effects, such as hunger, thirst, or special buffs, need to be instantly recognizable. These icons often appear in prominent positions on the screen, providing crucial information about the player’s current state.

Map and Navigation

On the game’s map, icons represent various points of interest, from player-built structures to natural landmarks. The clarity of these icons is essential for effective navigation in Ark’s vast and often dangerous world.

Creature Taming and Management

Icons play a significant role in the creature taming and management aspects of Ark. They represent different species, indicate taming progress, and show various stats and abilities of tamed creatures.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I customize my banners in Ark: Survival Evolved?

Yes, players can create custom banners for their tribes using the game’s banner creation tool, allowing for personalized designs.

Have new icons and banners been added with each expansion?

Indeed, each major expansion introduces new icons for unique items and creatures, as well as distinctive banners representing the new content.

Do the icons have different color schemes for easier recognition?

Yes, Ark uses color coding in its icons to denote rarity, type, or function, aiding in quick identification of items and creatures.

Where can I find these game icon banners for my setup?

Official Ark icon banners are available on the game’s website and Steam community hub. Some third-party sites also offer high-quality reproductions.

Are there any community-driven designs for icons and banners?

While the game itself uses official designs, the Ark community has created numerous custom icons and banners, often shared on modding platforms and forums.


The icons and banners of Ark: Survival Evolved are more than mere decorative elements. They are integral components of the game’s visual language, user interface, and overall player experience. From guiding new players through their first steps in the harsh prehistoric world to helping veterans efficiently manage complex gameplay systems, these visual elements have evolved alongside the game itself.

As Ark continues to grow and expand, its iconography will undoubtedly continue to evolve, reflecting new content, mechanics, and player needs. The careful balance of aesthetics, functionality, and thematic consistency in these designs contributes significantly to Ark’s immersive and engaging gameplay experience.

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